When I wrote to Gökhan that we should use this title because "it would attract attention", I felt a sense of self-satisfaction; however, after some research I came across some Turkish sources using this title – I apologize to all of them, I did not intend to copy it, I thought it could symbolize the storm created by the changing priorities and the attitude of human resources during the Covid era. When I looked at the sources, I also looked at foreign sources and realized that foreign sources approach this issue more constructively. When I realized this, I thought I had two options; for those who think "game over", I want to say that this can only be overcome with a strict transformation mindset and a practical program. For those who are in the second option; this is already the transformation itself, I have gathered some tips on what they can do for those who say "the game is just beginning" – have a good read.
Let's talk about business sand their related functions that think "game over" is the first option.
In fact, there have not been many periods when uncertainty has been so high and economic uncertainties have been so enriched with social problems both locally and globally. Add to this the changing priorities of the X, Y, Z generations and the rising star "digitalization" and the situation is locked. I think there is no abnormality in this, when everything is so confused all of a sudden, maybe it is best to stop. If you ask what it means to stop, I think a little less action, a little more thinking, reviewing and analyzing data may be good. It can be good to get insight from employees, enrich their experiences, and look at issues we normally don't have time for. Of course, these may be trendy terms, but it may be possible to start from somewhere and look at the developments from the axis of transformation and differentiation. As a matter of fact, in this period, not only certain businesses but many others are experiencing similar problems. It can be a nice way to stop and let go of some of what we know to bring in new perspectives. In fact, it is not people who transform – and it is as if everyone, not generations, transform. For example, I prefer to transfer all my training via digital media without getting into traffic.
I can almost hear voices saying this is not possible – of course, in Turkey, the number of people saying "it is not possible" has always overwhelmed those who say "it is possible". That's why "breaking the shell" generally continues to hit cultural barriers. So, what if we make acceptances? For example, what if "turn over" is the most natural feature of our job? Knowing this feature, let's manage our business and set up a fill-and-dump system, hire a lot of people and accept that many will leave again – let's try some artificial intelligence using digital tools and leave it to the algorithms to choose the right candidates? Let the system constantly find, select and place, but do not react emotionally to those who will leave?
Let's come to the second option; to the businesses and thinkers who think "the game is just beginning".
I recommend that you research the literature on this subject, but I prefer to focus on what is happening right under our noses and make sense of it through my research. Younger generations, especially those who can do their jobs remotely, do not seem to want to come to work every day. It seems like there will be many people who say they should work from home for 3 working days and come to work for the remaining 2 days. The number of people who say they can only work for 3 days and get paid accordingly may not be bad – in fact, the number of people who say they can do this job very well by working remotely from a town in the Aegean for 3 days may be higher in this group.
Are the situations different for field workers and blue-collar workers? Certainly! They are the heroes who undertake the physical work that keeps this world alive, and they continued to go to the field every day, afraid but still believing. We have great respect for some professional groups that give meaning to themselves, especially healthcare workers, those in the logistics business and those who continue their work at service points. It is not difficult to find an answer to those who ask why people do these difficult jobs: Finding meaning is the key here. Those who find meaning in their work and life are more able to endure difficult conditions. Human's search for meaning will never end, but humanity will learn this – give meaning to your employees in the field, express their values, keep them in cotton wool and establish a unity of destiny with those who understand that money is not everything – be collective, be united!